Thursday, 9 December 2010

Pets as Christmas Presents

With Christmas approaching fast and letters to Santa in the process of being sent, there will always be the controversial issue of whether Christmas is a responsible time to give the gift of a pet. Many people feel that it is not. However we at PetCompare believe that under the right circumstances this should not be the case.

Lee Hodgson MD PetCompare wrote
"Last year i bought my son a hamster for Christmas. Believe me it took a fair few months to persuade me that this was not just a phase and that his enthusiasm wasn't just to be short lived. Once convinced, I maintained my opinion that in order for him to be a responsible pet owner he had to know exactly how to look after his hamster. Therefore rather than going straight out to the nearest Pet Shop to buy the first hamster we saw, I decided to buy him a 'handling and care' booklet and some information leaflets on the types of breed and their characteristics."

"Amazingly he read through this collection several times and still continued to pester me on the subject. It was mid-December by this time and I came to the conclusion that as he hadn't asked me specifically for anything else, that this would be the ideal gift for him. After several conversations about what he had found out and armed with research I had carried out myself and his 'favourite colour' I set out on my mission to find his hamster and all the necessary amenities that come with it. (Believe me it wasn't cheap!)"

"I must admit that after the initial struggle of trying to keep this secret from a very inquisitive little boy until Christmas morning was over, the look of absolute joy and adoration was worth every moment. From the very start, he appreciated the fragility of these little creatures and thanks to my paper purchases knew exactly how to handle and play with his new pet. To this day 'Hammy' and my son are still very good friends and we are looking forward to his first birthday on the 25th December!"

We at PetCompare believe, any pet purchased at any time of year, be it a tiny mouse or a horse, should only be bought after a carefully thought out process. This includes understanding the impact and responsibility of taking them into your care. It is very much a decision that needs to be made and agreed by the entire family. I think the following factors are the most important to take into account:

1. Does the person you are buying for really want a pet and the responsibility that pet ownership includes?

2. Does every member of the household want and accept responsibility for the pet?

3. Does this person have the time and lifestyle to adequately care for the pet?

4. Are they knowledgeable about the type of pet that they want; about its needs, its handling, its temperament and the time needed to be spent with it?

5. Finally and very importantly, do they have the finances to support the pet? Vets bills, insurance, adequate housing, food, bedding, pet sitters to name just a few of the costs.

Unfortunately a large amount of pets end up in rescue centres every year because the owners are just not properly prepared for their arrival and the impact on their lifestyle that their new pet entails. Pets can be a fantastic addition to any family; they are lots of fun and can be great companions in many circumstances.

However, please remember that they cannot care for themselves. If you are thinking about buying a friend or relative a pet this Christmas please do so with great caution. If you feel that the answer to any of the above questions is no then I advise you strongly to reconsider. Check with the person first, and make a considered decision. Please don't surprise them, they may feel obliged to accept the gift only for them to later have to re-home the pet. This is not only stressful for the owner but can have a huge impact on the pet.

Without trying to sound too cliché, "a pet IS for life, not just for Christmas". I implore you to keep this in mind.