New kittens are a delight to have in your home and bring bundles of joy. But the furry little balls of fluff do require training to help them settle into their new environment and to ensure they don’t claw your lounge suite.
The second in our training series provides you with tips and advice on training your new kitten:
1. Establish your kitten’s “den” – Show your kitten where it can sleep. Set up its bed, food and water bowls in a dry, secure and safe area. Cats and kittens like to hide, so make sure there are suitable nooks and crannies for your new kitten to snuggle into. A soft cat bed is ideal or a cat sleeping bag.
2. Toilet training – Even if you intend your kitten to be an indoor cat, kittens must stay inside until they have received their inoculations at your chosen vet. Therefore, you will need to teach your kitten to be toilet trained; don’t expect they already know what to do. The first step is to introduce your kitten to its new litter tray. The tray should be big enough for the kitten to move around in. If you’ve ever watched a kitten or cat use its litter tray, they circle around inside and establish a spot before going to the toilet. After your kitten eats, let it have a rest or play and then 15 minutes later encourage your kitten over to the tray and entice it to step onto the litter. You want to make sure your kitten knows the tray is a safe, clean and comfortable place.
Use a litter scooper to dispose of the ‘presents’ you will find in the tray and kitty litter freshening powder is an option to keep the tray smelling of roses. Cats are known for being very fastidious animals, so if the tray is not cleaned out on a regular basis they will find somewhere else to soil. Never put the litter tray near your kitten’s food or sleeping area, this can put them off their food and sleeping den.
3. Scratching post or couch? Kittens have little claws that aren’t that sharp but as your kitten grows, so do its claws. If you have a kitten that goes outside, its claws will become blunt while climbing trees and playing outdoors. However, an indoor cat needs somewhere to scratch and a scratching post is the best option. You can get scratching posts in all shapes and sizes; some even have hiding holes and toys attached to keep your kitten entertained. Encourage your kitten to scratch on it daily, lend a hand and show your kitten how to scratch. Don’t forget to praise your kitten for getting it right.
4. Praise your kitten – Praising your kitten for using its litter tray and scratching post is an important way for it to learn when it has done something right. Just like you would with a child, make a fuss over your kitten by talking to it, giving it a cuddle and stroking it. Occasionally you can reward your pet with special kitten treats.
But what do you do when your kitten behaves badly?
5. Kitten disciple: NEVER hit your kitten or cat if it is naughty. The best thing to remember is don’t reward bad behaviour. Do the opposite of praising your kitten. Don’t make a fuss of it, don’t talk to it, ignore your kitten and walk away from it. Your kitten needs to associate the differences between negative and positive attitudes and rewards.
Most importantly, have fun with your kitten. Play time with toys and evening cuddles are so rewarding.
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